The Mill

Tower of a former mill – the Ilić family windmill form the early 19th century is the most preserved out of 125 wheat mills which were in use around 1800 on the Island of Brač. After 1903, when wheat stopped being produced in such quantities, the mill lost its wings. The wings were originally laid horizontally on the flat roof and were powered by the wind that blows frequently in that part of the island. In the winter that is mostly bora wind from the NE, jugo (scirocco) from the SE, tramontana from the north and levanat from SSE, and in the summer maestral from the west, and burin from the NE. It is one of the most recognized symbols of Sutivan which the guests often photograph owing to its position on the very coast and the centennial pines surrounding it. The mill has been converted into a living space although a lot of original details have been kept in its interior. A a visit is only possible in arrangement with the owner. The Ilić family was one of the three great noble families (Kavanjin, Definis) which traded wine and olive oil from Brač at the turn of the century. The company headquarters was in Prague and had subsidiaries in all major European cities of the time.